Laser Hair Removal

Be Free To Look Your Best Every Day
with Permanent Hair Reduction

Permanent hair reduction is ideal for faces, underarms, arms, legs, back, bikini area, chest and back.

Treatment sessions take just minutes and are practically pain-free. It’s the hair removal solution you’ve been waiting for.

Unlike shaving that lasts just days, waxing that needs to repeated every few weeks indefinitely, or electrolysis that’s tedious, permanent hair reduction is a lasting solution that takes away the everyday hassle of dealing with unwanted facial and body hair.

laser hair removal


Why laser treatment?

  • Though there are many ways to remove unwanted hair (such as shaving and plucking) lasers are the only permanent method of hair reduction.
  • Large areas of the skin can be treated via laser at one time, making the procedure faster and even more cost-effective.

How does laser hair removal work?

  • Basically, the laser is guided by a beam of light that searches for a mass of hair follicles deep beneath the skin disabling or destroying the root.
  • The laser beam targets only the hair follicles and not the surrounding skin.
  • For comfort, the skin is usually cooled with a gel or cream during the process.
  • The laser destroys hairs in its active growth phase, and up to 85% of our hair is in that phase at any given time.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

  • Everyone is unique and will react differently to the laser. The FDA has approved several types of lasers as permanent hair reduction devices.
  • A significant percentage of hair that is treated with the laser will not grow back.  This does not mean 100% hair removal.
  • Each session should prove to be more successful at removing the remaining hairs than the previous.

How much does each session cost?

  • The costs of laser hair removal vary. It is important to trust the practitioner and/or clinic so you feel confident in their fee schedule.
  • You should also know that in some cases, the fee is dependent on the amount of hair that needs to be removed. That means that as your hair is removed, future sessions will cost less.

How long does each session take?

  • Laser treatments can take just a few minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.
  • The area being treated determines the time of each session.
  • A smaller area, such as the bikini or the under arm, can take as little as ten to fifteen minutes, as opposed to the back or legs which can take up to an hour.

How many sessions will I need?

  • On average, people need between three and five sessions to see results, meaning about 80% hair reduction in the area treated.

How long should I wait between sessions?

  • A person should wait four to six weeks between each session.
  • However, you should know that even if you cannot see the hair, it can still be actively growing beneath the skin and the laser can find and remove the hair follicle successfully.
  • Facial hair should be treated more often than other areas.

What kind of results will I expect on the first session?

  • With each session you should see significant changes in the amount of hair reduced in the treated area.
  • Because most of the time our hair is in its active growth state, there should always be positive results.
  • The results will vary for people with hormonal imbalance.

Am I a candidate for laser hair removal?

  • There is an ideal skin tone and hair color for laser hair removal, but that does not mean everyone else is excluded.
  • The ideal candidate for laser hair removal is someone with fair skin, and darker, coarser, hair.
  • You should avoid tanning or sunburn prior to the procedure.
  • The most unsuccessful candidates for laser hair removal are those with red or blonde hair and darker skin tones.

Is it safe?

  • The FDA has approved laser hair removal as a safe means of hair reduction.

What are the side effects of laser hair removal?

  • Most people leave the session with a bit of a temporary rash or “sunburn-like” reaction.
  • Most skin discoloring will go away quickly, leaving no side effects.
  • However, some people have reported permanent skin discoloring and “blotchiness” in the treated area.