Frequently Asked Questions

What is SmartGraft?

SmartGraft is a minimally invasive hair restoration device for both men and women. Developed by physicians, medical scientists and engineers, SmartGraft allows physicians to perform hair restoration procedures efficiently, safely, and rapidly, while delivering natural, permanent results.

What is the SmartGraft Procedure Like?

Using only local anesthetic, physicians use the SmartGraft device to gently extract individual micro hair grafts from the back of your head. These grafts are then implanted into the balding areas to regrow thick, healthy, natural hair.

What kind of results should I expect?

Your new hair grafts will grow in the areas that are bald or thinning, creating a fuller, natural looking head of hair. Since it’s your real hair, it looks completely natural, restoring a more youthful appearance and confidence levels.

Do I have to get a buzz cut to have a SmartGraft procedure?

No. If your hair is long enough, a physician can harvest hair grafts using the SmartGraft by shaving small areas that can be covered by your longer hair.

What is the recovery period like?

The procedure heals quickly and you can return to work in a couple of days, with very few activity restrictions after the procedure.

When will my hair start to grow?

Newly transplanted hair grows naturally in several phases. You’ll see new hairs in about three months, followed by a noticeable improvement in six months and full growth at 12 to 14 months.

Is SmartGraft suitable for both men and women?

Yes. Because SmartGraft is a minimally invasive procedure, it is a viable option for both men and women looking to restore their own real hair.


It's You. Refreshed.
Refined. Natural.