Addresses these Concerns
- Loose skin, weak abdominal muscles, and fatty tissue in the belly area.
- Desire for a more fit abdominal appearance and looking better in clothing.
Abdominoplasty Procedure
- Outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia in our AAAHC accredited surgery center.
A lower bikini incision is made, and then lax muscles are tightened and excess skin is removed. A tummy tuck is often performed in combination with liposuction, which removes excess fatty tissue.
- Can be performed as a mini-tuck, treating the tissues from the lower abdomen to the belly button, or a full tummy tuck, treating the tissues above and below the navel.
- Takes an hour and a half to three hours, depending upon the type of tummy tuck performed and patient characteristics.
Abdominoplasty Animation Videos
Abdominoplasty Result
- Trimmer, tighter look to the stomach area.
- Smaller waist size and greater flexibility shopping for clothes.