Blepharoplasty (Upper Eyelid lift Guarantee)

eyelid surgery guarantee10-year Upper Eyelid Guarantee

Cincinnati’s Blepharoplasty expert, Dr. Jon Mendelsohn, will guarantee results* for at least 10-years for ALL patients receiving upper blepharoplasty.


Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

(Eyelid lift)

Addresses the following concerns:

  • Probably the single best cosmetic procedure to help you appear more refreshed.
  • Comments about looking older, sad, or tired.
  • Excess skin, wrinkles, hooding, heaviness of the upper eyelids, and inability to apply makeup to the upper eyelids.
  • Sagging, drooping, or “hound dog” look at the corners of the eyes.
  • Difficulty with vision when looking upward or ahead.
  • Excess fat either below or above the eyes, or both.
eyelid lift

Blepharoplasty Animation Videos

blepharoplasty illustration

Blepharoplasty Procedure

  • Outpatient procedure performed under local anesthetic in our AAAHC accredited surgery center.
  • Procedure for cosmetic eyelid surgery takes about 15 to 20 minutes to perform.
  • When treating the upper eyelids, an incision is made in the natural crease of the eyelid, and excess skin and fat are removed.
  • When treating the lower eyelids, an incision is made inside the lower eyelid, or below the edge of the outer lower eyelid, and then excess skin and fat are removed.
  • Lower blepharoplasties may not be recommended, as non-surgical treatments like fillers and DOT laser may help rejuvenate many of the concerns patients have without surgery.

Blepharoplasty Recovery

  • You will need to sleep and rest with your head slightly elevated for a week after your procedure. We prefer that you do NOT sleep on your face.
  • Pain is minimal, subsides by the second or third day, and is easily controlled with medication like Tylenol. Most patients do not take anything after the first day.
  • Swelling is mild to moderate and peaks at day two, then subsides rapidly over the next several weeks.
  • Bruising is minimal.
  • You will come in the day after your procedure for a checkup, and sutures are removed about six days afterwards.
  • Makeup may be applied after sutures are removed, and you are able to comfortably appear in public after that time.
  • You may resume many activities within the first week after surgery, and most regular activities by the end of three weeks.

Blepharoplasty Result

  • eye blepharoplastyFavorite single procedure with GUARANTEED results.
  • Natural, rested, younger appearance.
  • Better vision (for those with obstructive problems) and relief of heaviness and discomfort of the eyelids.
  • Presentable appearance by the end of the first week that just gets better over three to six months.
  • View Eyelid Before and After photos in our Blepharoplasty Gallery.

 *  Based on agreed upon expectations and goals achieved through the consultative process.