SmartXide DOT Laser®

SmartXide DOT CO2 Laser

DOT Therapy (Dermal Optical Thermolysis)

  • Dermal Optical Thermolysis is the latest innovation for micro-ablative skin rejuvenation! DOT Therapy is performed using the SmartXide DOT™CO₂ laser system, featuring the unique Hi-Scan DOT Scanner with Infinite Delivery Options for ablative skin rejuvenation with rapid healing.
  • DOT Therapy (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) is the leading micro-ablative approach to laser skin rejuvenation.

Addresses the following concerns:

  • Dermal Lesions (Skin Tags, Warts etc)
  • Photoaging
  • Acne Scars
  • Blepharoplasty (Cosmetic Surgery of the Eyelid)
  • Dyschromia (Skin Discoloration)
  • Skin Laxity (Loose Skin)
  • Wrinkles
  • Fine Lines
best skin resurfacing laser
SmartXide DOT CO2 Laser
SmartXide DOT CO2 Laser


  • Traditional fractional CO₂ treatment has evolved with DOT (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) Therapy. The science behind the success of DOT Therapy is the SmartXide DOT™ CO₂ laser.
  • CO₂ laser technology has been the gold standard in skin resurfacing for over fifteen years, but only DOT Therapy uses the optimal spot size for better energy distribution to treat a wider range of patients for both collagen remodeling and the appearance of aging.
  • SmartXide laser offers: * Ideal pulse characteristics for skin rejuvenation * “Optimal” laser spot size of 350 μm * Controlled DOT of ablation, while thermally injuring tissue deep within the dermis

Laser Skin Rejuvenation Animation Videos

Collagen Shrinkage


  • 15 minute procedure
  • A topical agent is placed on the skin for 30 minutes.
  • The procedure then follows treating all of the desired regions of the face, neck, and body.
  • Here is what one of the SmartXIDE DOT Laser patterns looks like after treating a small region of the skin.
    Creates thousands of microscopic perforations, which induce immediate skin tightening and stimulate new collagen growth, improving the skin’s texture and tone to fight fine lines, deep wrinkles and even acne scars. The key to DOT Therapy is the SmartXide laser. It leaves the skin around each of the perforations intact, which allows the epidermis to heal from the edge of these tiny holes very rapidly, significantly improving overall complexion and reducing patient downtime.
    Using the appropriate settings and alternative hand pieces, the SmartXide DOT CO₂ laser can also be used for incision, excision, and coagulation of various soft tissues for a range of applications in dermatology, plastic surgery and general surgery, including the treatment of skin tags and warts, and performing blepharoplasty
dt settings
dt perforations
    In addition to standard DOT Therapy treatments, the SmartXide laser also delivers the versatility to adjust power, dwell time, DOT pattern, density and shape to customize treatment, especially for those patients with severe wrinkling or advanced photo-damage.



Tiny “column-shaped” footprint


Large “saucer-shaped” footprint


SmartXide DOT “bowl-shaped” footprint.

Some CO₂ lasers leave deep, tiny, “column-shaped” thermal footprints that cause pain or bruising and are comprised in their ability to stimulate optimal neo-collagenesis. Other lasers utilize shallow “saucer-shaped” spots that leave behind wide epidermal wounds with significant overlapping of thermal zones. When coupled with the laser’s featured Infinite Delivery Options (IDO) feature, the clinician is equipped with the ultimate in system versatility and clinical control — for safe, predictable outcomes and minimal downtime


  • Your skin will appear moderately pink-reddish immediately following the treatment.
  • Sleep and rest with your head elevated for several days after your procedure.
  • No dressings are used.
  • You can shower the day of surgery.
  • Pain is minimal, easily controlled with medication, and subsides within hours after the laser treatment.
  • Swelling is minimal, and is mostly gone by the second-third day after your treatment.
  • No bruising will occur.
  • No sutures (stitches) ar required.
  • Makeup may be applied after several days, and you may appear comfortably in public at that time.
  • You may resume full activities during the first week.


  • Natural, rested, younger appearance with smoother skin, significantly reduced wrinkles, sun damge, brown spots, and acne scars.
  • Beautiful and graceful look.
  • Presentable appearance in several days that just gets better over the next several months.
facelift before after