• 20 Minutes • Minimal Downtime • Local Anesthesia • 10 Year Guarantee
Are you tired of people asking if you’re tired? As we age, excess skin and fat above the eye can droop, getting in the way of a youthful appearance – and even your vision. Upper blepharoplasty
is likely the single best treatment available for refreshing the eye area. The procedure simply removes the redundant skin and fat, rather than lifting the brow, which does not solve the problem of hooding or upper eyelid heaviness. It takes just 15 to 20 minutes and requires just one stitch per eye, so there’s minimal downtime.
The procedure delivers a lasting, bright-eyed, youthful look that will continue to improve over three to six months. We’re so confident in our upper blepharoplasty treatment that we guarantee
the results will last for 10 years after your procedure.
Please note: Lower blepharoplasties are available, but treatments like fillers and dermal optical thermolysis (DOT) laser often can help you achieve your goals without surgery.
An Upper Eyelid Lift Addresses the Following Concerns:
- Probably the single best procedure to help you appear more refreshed.
- Comments about looking older, sad, or tired.
- Excess skin, wrinkles, hooding, heaviness of the upper eyelids, and inability to apply makeup to the upper eyelids.
- Sagging, drooping, or “hound dog” look at the corners of the eyes.
- Difficulty with vision when looking upward or ahead.
- Excess fat either below or above the eyes, or both.
Upper Eyelid Lift
- Outpatient procedure performed under local anesthetic in our AAAHC accredited surgery center.
- Procedure takes about 15 to 20 minutes to perform.
- When treating the upper eyelids, an incision is made in the natural crease of the eyelid, and excess skin and fat are removed.
- When treating the lower eyelids, an incision is made inside the lower eyelid, or below the edge of the outer lower eyelid, and then excess skin and fat are removed.
- Lower blepharoplasties may not be recommended, as non-surgical treatments like fillers and DOT laser may help rejuvenate many of the concerns patients have without surgery.
Upper Eyelid Lift
- You will need to sleep and rest with your head slightly elevated for a week after your procedure. We prefer that you do NOT sleep on your face.
- Pain is minimal, subsides by the second or third day, and is easily controlled with medication like Tylenol. Most patients do not take anything after the first day.
- Swelling is mild to moderate and peaks at day two, then subsides rapidly over the next several weeks.
- Bruising is minimal.
- You will come in the day after your procedure for a checkup, and sutures are removed about six days afterwards.
- Makeup may be applied after sutures are removed, and you are able to comfortably appear in public after that time.
- You may resume many activities within the first week after surgery, and most regular activities by the end of three weeks.
Upper Eyelid Lift
Favorite single procedure with GUARANTEED results.
- Natural, rested, younger appearance.
- Better vision (for those with obstructive problems) and relief of heaviness and discomfort of the eyelids.
- Presentable appearance by the end of the first week that just gets better over three to six months.
Before and After Upper Eyelid Surgery: The Results
Browse through some of our patient’s before and after photos below, to see how an upper blepharoplasty transformed their eyelids.
40-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
40-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
50-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
50-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
57-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
57-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
40-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
40-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
58-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
58-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
59-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
59-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
50-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
60-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
60-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
65-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
38-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
38-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
61-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
61-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
53-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
53-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
57-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
57-year-old Female
Upper Blepharoplasty
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Eyelid Blepharoplasty - Procedure
What to Expect the Day of Blepharoplasty:
The Process
- During a consultation, we will discuss your goals and any health conditions that may affect your treatment or desired outcome.
- The outpatient procedure is performed in a private operating room in our surgery center, which is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care.
- A well-hidden incision is made in the natural crease of the eyelid, and excess skin and fat are removed. The tiny incision is then closed with just one stitch per eye.
- The procedure takes just 15 to 20 minutes, and only local anesthetic is required.
Blepharoplasty Preoperative Instructions
- You can take over-the-counter pain medications to control any minimal pain, which will subside by two or three days after the procedure.
- Swelling is mild to moderate and peaks at day two, then subsides rapidly over the next several weeks.
- Bruising is minimal.
- For a week after the procedure, sleep and rest with your head slightly elevated. Do not sleep on your face during this time.
- You will come in for a checkup the day after your procedure.
- We will remove your sutures about six days after the procedure.
- Once sutures are removed, you can apply makeup to the area.
- You can resume some activities within a week after treatment, and most regular activities by three weeks after.
Surgery Consents Pre Operative Instructions Post Operative Instructions
Blepharoplasty Consultation?
How Long Does An Upper Blepharoplasty Last?
How do I Prepare for upper eyelid surgery?
Who is a good candidate for upper eyelid surgery?
What is a good age to consider having an upper blepharplasty?
Will I need to have an upper blepharoplasty done twice?
How long before I see results of the upper eyelid surgery?
How long does it take to recover from an upper bleph?
How long before I can apply makeup to my upper eyelids after an upper eyelid surgery?
How is the upper blepharoplasty performed?
How long does the actual surgery take?
When can I return to normal activities?
TrueSelfies - True Patient Eyelid Stories
Real patients share their full journey of transformation, from considering a treatment to taking action and enjoying the life-changing impacts.
Advanced Answers in Under 5 Minutes
Advanced Answers
You’ve got specific questions about our procedures, and we’ve got Advanced Answers – provided by our experts in less than five minutes.
How is an Upper Blepharoplasty Performed (Best Eyelid Procedure 2020)
Who is a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty Surgery (Best Eyelid Procedure 2020)
How Long To Recover from Upper Blepharoplasty (Best Eyelid Procedure 2020)
When Can I Return To Normal Activities Following Blepharoplasty (Best Eyelid Procedure 2020)
How Long Does an Actual Blepharoplasty Surgery Take? (Best Eyelid Procedure 2020)
How To Prepare for an Upper Eyelid/Blepharoplasty Surgery (Best Eyelid Procedure 2020)
When To Apply Makeup to Upper Eyelids After Surgery (Best Eyelid Procedure 2020)
When Will I See Results from Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Surgery? (Best Eyelid Procedure 2020)
Podcast - Eyelid Guests
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Facial Analysis. Getting started with Facial Plastic Surgery
All About Eyelids
Lower Eyelid Problems and Solutions
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In The News!
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Mondays are rough enough, don’t let tired eyes get you down. Learn more about upper and lower eyelid procedures with Dr. Jon Mendelsohn! Refresh your look before the holidays are gone!
Video of Live Procedure - Graphic in Nature
Video of Live Procedure – Graphic in Nature
LIVE SURGERY! Dr. Mendelsohn demonstrates his technique for Upper Blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery). This is a graphic surgical video but helps provide an understanding of how this wonderful procedure achieves natural and incredible results. This is one of the top procedures anyone can have performed in their lifetime!
Dr. Mendelsohn demonstrates his technique for Upper Blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery). This is a graphic surgical video but helps provide an understanding of how this wonderful procedure achieves natural and incredible results. This is one of the top procedures anyone can have performed in their lifetime!
Dr. Mendelsohn demonstrates his technique for Lower Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty (lower eyelid surgery). This is a graphic surgical video but helps provide an understanding of how this procedure rejuvenates the lower eyelid region. Lower eyelid surgery is commonly performed in conjunction with other non-surgical treatments such as fillers and skin resurfacing.
3D Animation of Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty(Eyelid Surgery)
Upper Blepharoplasty Animation (Upper Eyelid Surgery)