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How to Get Rid of Droopy Eyelids

Eliminating Droopy Eyelids: Expert Solutions from Dr. Jon Mendelsohn


Droopy eyelids, medically termed as ptosis, can obscure your vision and detract from your appearance, making you look older or more tired than you feel. Fortunately, with the expertise of double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Jon Mendelsohn, achieving a refreshed, natural, and youthful look is within your reach. Operating from the fully AAAHC accredited Advanced Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center, Dr. Mendelsohn has transformed the lives of over 30,000 patients through various eyelid surgeries, with a special emphasis on upper blepharoplasty.

Dr. Jon Mendelsohn: A Beacon of Excellence in Eyelid Surgery

Dr. Mendelsohn is renowned for his expertise in eyelid surgery, bringing over two decades of experience to his practice. As the medical director of the Advanced Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center, he leads a team dedicated to providing the highest standards of care in a safe, welcoming environment. His philosophy centers on the power of upper blepharoplasty to rejuvenate one’s appearance, firmly believing it to be one of the most impactful procedures a person can undergo in their lifetime.

Understanding Your Options

  • Upper Blepharoplasty: This procedure, highly recommended by Dr. Mendelsohn, removes excess skin and fat from the upper eyelids, resulting in a more open, youthful eye appearance.
  • Ptosis Repair: For those whose droopy eyelids affect vision, ptosis repair can tighten the muscles that lift the eyelid, improving functionality and aesthetics.
  • Non-Surgical Alternatives: While surgery offers the most definitive results, non-surgical treatments such as Botox and filler injections can provide temporary improvement in eyelid appearance for those seeking less invasive options.

The Journey to Renewed Vision and Appearance

Choosing to undergo eyelid surgery is a transformative decision. From the initial consultation to post-surgery care, Dr. Mendelsohn and his team ensure a personalized approach, tailoring treatments to each patient’s unique needs and goals. Here’s what to expect:

  • Personalized Consultation: Dr. Mendelsohn thoroughly assesses your condition, discusses your aesthetic goals, and recommends the best treatment plan.
  • Expert Care: Undergoing surgery at our AAAHC accredited center means receiving the highest level of patient care and safety.
  • Recovery and Results: Follow our comprehensive aftercare guidelines for a smooth recovery, and look forward to unveiling a more vibrant, youthful self.


With Dr. Jon Mendelsohn’s expertise and a commitment to excellence at the Advanced Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center, your journey to eliminating droopy eyelids and embracing a rejuvenated appearance begins here. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards the refreshed look you deserve.