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Karen Whitney, PA – Stories of Unwanted Tattoos

What’s your tattoo ID?

As I work with the PicoSure tattoo removal laser at Advanced Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center, I have the privilege of meeting and talking with so many patients about their tattoos. I have noticed a few trends in the reasons people seek tattoo removal.

Here’s what I hear:

“I was young and made a mistake” is one of the most frequent reasons for erasing their tattoo. 18 to 21 seem to be the time a lot of these tattoos were acquired, and now 5 to 20 years later it is finally time for it to go. There may be embarrassment due to their children, social or work situations where the tattoo is not an expression of who they are now.

“It isn’t what I wanted” in regards to the size, overall appearance, and/or colors aren’t what was expected or anticipated and so there is overall dissatisfaction with the tattoo.

“I just don’t like this one anymore” applies to the patient with multiple tattoos, and one or more need to go. It might be that job requirements necessitate removal, the old tattoos don’t go with the new ones, the desired look had changed over the years, or the old one needs to go to make room for a new on.

“This is from a bad period of my life” refers to tattoos acquired during times of stress or difficult periods of life now past, and ready to be put to rest. 

What is your tattoo ID and what is motivating you to seek removal? We’d love to hear from you!

Karen Whitney, PA

Karen Whitney