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The Best Facelift Procedure Consultation with Dr. Jon Mendelsohn(Ep. #23)

By April 20, 2020LIVE Plastic Surgery

Today Dr. Mendelsohn hosts a consultation regarding the best facelift procedure. We all suffer from the consequences of age. For some, an Advanced Lift in Cincinnati with Dr. Mendelsohn may provide the solution. This one-hour procedure is performed under local anesthesia and utilizes incisions that are well-hidden and are 60-70% smaller than those of traditional facelifting procedures. With the Advanced Lift, Dr. Mendelsohn repositions drooping soft tissues, removes excess fat, tightens underlying muscles, and re-drapes the skin to achieve rejuvenating results. Patients are able to achieve a more refreshed and very natural appearance to help them look as good as they feel. When considering a facelift, it’s important to avoid a windblown, pulled, and plastic look that lets the world know you’ve had a procedure. The skill and artistry of Dr. Mendelsohn avoids this, while helping patients recapture their youth with beautiful and natural-looking results