What are Brown Spots on Face? (Brown Spots on Aging Face 2020)
Welcome back to advanced answers if you’re enjoying these videos please like us and subscribe to our channel Hi everyone and welcome to our discussion today on brown spots. A common skin concern we have amongst our patients is hyper pigmentation on the face neck and chest. This can come in the form of solar when two genes which is the medical term for sunspots. Yet many refer to these as liver spots freckles or age spots another form that skin pigmentation can present in is called mill asthma. This appears as brown patches mixed with lighter spots typically on the cheeks and the fore head sometimes. Genetically we can get a diffuse darkening to our facial skin which presents more as an uneven skin tone. Prevention is key with the use of an antioxidant serum every morning such as vitamin C and a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 30 or higher. And remember you have to reapply your sunscreen every 90 minutes to two hours throughout the day. Wearing a wide brimmed hat and avoiding hours when the sun is at its strongest from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 PM can also help prevent photo aging if you already have visible signs of sun damage such as brown spots on your face. We will want to consider treatment options like topical hydrocodone cream. Chemical peels. Cryo therapy or laser treatment. The treatment option that is right for you depends on the type of brown spots that you have. What type of results you are going for and how much downtime you can afford. We’ll go more into depth and skin care therapies in a later segment so stay tuned. For more advanced answers. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and we’ll talk soon.
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