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What’s In What’s Out with Josh & Julie – PoPo NoNo and Mad Mail Carriers

PoPo NoNo and Mad Mail Carriers!

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The Po-Po Says “No-No” and A Mail Carrier Gone Mad In this latest edition of What’s In/What’s Out/What’s Hot and What’s Definitely NOT in the World of Plastic Surgery. Be sure to stay tuned in to hear our special July offer just for you. Julie: Since July 15 th is plastic surgery day – we thought it would be appropriate to highlight the many advancements that have taken place over the past 4,000 years! Josh: Reconstructive surgery actually dates back to 800 B.C., when physicians in ancient India began using skin grafts and performing Rhinoplasties, after practicing first by making incisions on vegetables such as watermelon and cucumber! Julie: However things came to a standstill in the mid 1400’s when the “Popo” (Pope Innocent III) declared plastic surgery a big No-No! That’s too bad because from this profile shot it looks like he would have been an excellent candidate for a Rhinoplasty! Josh: The first crude facelifts were performed in the early 1900’s. The only goal was to reposition the skin so that the wrinkles and creases would be eliminated, but the scars left by the incisions were fairly noticeable. These early facelifts are often referred to as “skin-only” facelifts, and the end result was an unnatural, pulled back windblown look, similar to the ones that Joan Rivers had over the years. Julie: However in the 1970’s, modern plastic surgery as we know it began to take hold. Doctors began repositioning the layer of muscle and tissue below the skin known as SMAS. These lifts allow plastic surgeons to provide patients with longer-lasting and more natural looking results, as is the case with our Advanced Facelift, which is performed under local anesthesia in about an hour. Dr. Mendelsohn has performed over 4,000 facelifts. Josh: By the early 2000’s, the FDA approved Botox and fillers for cosmetic use, and if the Pope had seen these in 1453 – I believe he would have declared them both to be a true miracle! Julie: Something else that’s been around since 800 BC is cellulite! And in 2021, the FDA approved new QWO, an injectable treatment that reduces the appearance of this pesky problem on the buttocks and thighs in just three treatments! So if you aren’t liking the way your bottom looks this bathing suit season, we can help. Josh: And because plastic surgery has become so popular, particularly during this pandemic, people are going to EXTREME measures to obtain it. Julie: A 31 year old U.S. Postal Service mail carrier is facing numerous charges for allegedly using a credit card stolen from her postal route to pay for a breast lift at a Long Island medical office. She faces up to 7 years in prison for using stolen plastic to pay for plastic. Josh: While another 25 year-old woman in Buffalo used $49,000 in unemployment money obtained through the federal CARES act to obtain plastic surgery, cosmetics and also a trip to Florida. Clearly she was suffering quite a hardship. Glad that the federal government was able to help her out. Julie: And whether you are using either legal or illegal funds to pay for plastic surgery, please make sure that you are actually going to a board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Mendelsohn is double board-certified by both the American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and also the American Board of Otolaryngology and has performed over 4,000 facelifts. Josh: So let us help you out with that pesky problem that’s been around since 800 B.C.! We are offering 10% off new QWO cellulite treatment during the month of July. Julie: That’s it for this latest edition of What’s In/What’s Out/What’s Hot and What’s Not. Be sure to follow us on Instagram/Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube Channel, and download our Follow Your Beauty AR app from the app store. To schedule an appointment, call 351-FACE or visit 351face.com


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