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Botox Experts in Greater Cincinnati

How do I stay NATURAL LOOKING when I want to receive BOTOX?

Yesterday I saw a patient who had the classic 11’s between her eyebrows from frowning as she squinted and focused on the computer. She hated those lines because they made her look grumpy. BUT, she was sure that the unnatural faces she had seen were the result of Botox and she ABSOLUTELY did not want to look like THAT. She spoke at great length of faces with no expression, or eyes that looked dull when smiling.

We had a long discussion about the dosage and placement of the Botox injections as well as the areas treated as they relate to the end result. She then understood that you can have a lot of normal facial movement and still not frown, that you can minimize crow’s feet and still have “smiling” eyes, and that you can move your eyebrows and still soften forehead lines.

What we decided to do was to treat her frown only, even though she had forehead lines also. It is my experience that almost no one notices when your frown subsides except you. They only notice that you look more rested, relaxed or happy – a look most of us want to achieve.

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Still nervous about Botox and how you will look? When you come in for a consultation we will discuss in detail what concerns you have – frown, forehead, or crow’s feet lines. We will discuss how we can soften and diminish these lines. Often we start by treating one area first, and may treat very lightly, then follow up in 2 weeks to see how things are going. At that time we can treat with more Botox if desired and indicated. Once the patient has confidence in the result and our approach, other sites are often added to treatment on follow up visits.

What questions or worries do you have about Botox cosmetic? I would be happy to answer them for you.

Karen Whitney @ Karen.whitney@351face.com