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In the News with Sheree Paolello… What is Buccal Fat Removal?

Buccal fat removal, also known as cheek reduction surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing the buccal fat pads located in the cheeks.


This surgical procedure has gained popularity in recent years as more people seek to achieve a slimmer and more contoured facial appearance.


The buccal fat pads are small, rounded masses of fat that sit in the hollow area beneath the cheekbones. These pads are essential for providing fullness to the cheeks and creating a youthful look in the face. However, in some cases, the buccal fat pads can become excessively large and create a chubby or round appearance in the face. This can lead to dissatisfaction with one’s appearance and a desire for a more sculpted and defined look.


Pros of Buccal Fat Removal:


  1. Enhanced Facial Contour: Buccal fat removal can help create a more chiseled and contoured facial appearance by reducing the fullness in the cheeks.
  2. Minimal Scarring: The procedure is minimally invasive, and the incisions made during the surgery are small, which means there will be minimal scarring.
  3. Quick Recovery Time: Buccal fat removal is a relatively quick procedure, and the recovery time is generally short. Patients can resume their daily activities within a few days after the surgery.


Cons of Buccal Fat Removal:


  1. Potential for Over-Removal: Over-removal of the buccal fat pads can lead to a sunken appearance in the cheeks, which can create an unappealing look.
  2. Risk of Nerve Damage: The surgery involves making incisions near nerves, which can lead to nerve damage and affect facial movement.
  3. Unsatisfactory Results: As with any cosmetic procedure, there is a chance that the results may not be as expected, leading to dissatisfaction with one’s appearance.


Best Candidates for Buccal Fat Removal:

The best candidates for buccal fat removal are individuals who are in good overall health and have a normal weight range. They should have a clear understanding of the potential risks and benefits of the procedure and have realistic expectations for the outcome. The procedure is suitable for individuals who have excess fat in their cheeks that does not respond to diet and exercise.


The buccal fat removal procedure is performed under local anesthesia and typically takes around 30 minutes to complete. Dr. Jon Mendelsohn makes a small incision inside the mouth, and the buccal fat pads are gently removed. The incisions are then closed using dissolvable stitches.

After the procedure, patients may experience swelling and discomfort in the cheeks, but this generally subsides within a few days.


The results of buccal fat removal can be seen immediately, but the final results may take a few weeks to become fully apparent.


In conclusion, buccal fat removal can be an effective way to achieve a more sculpted and contoured facial appearance. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits before undergoing the procedure.


A consultation with Dr. Jon Mendelsohn is recommended to determine if buccal fat removal is the right choice for you.