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What is PicoSure Laser Tattoo Removal (Remove unwanted tattoos 2020)

What is PicoSure Laser Tattoo Removal and How Do You Remove Unwanted Tattoos in 2020!

PicoSure tattoo removal. PicoSure tattoo removal has been available since 2013. What makes the PicoSure Laser unique for tattoo removal is the speed with which the light is produced using wavelengths that pulse a trillion times a second. I’ll explain why we prefer PicoSure tattoo removal result over other lasers and our show PicoSure tattoo removal before and after photos. A tattoo is placed in the skin using small needles to deposit large particles of ink. The ink is placed in the dermal layer of the skin which is beneath the epidermis or the top protective layer. The tattoo will typically fade with time as some smaller particles of the ink or absorbed the ink settles into the deeper layers or the ink fades with sun exposure. A tattoo is permanent because the body is not able to eliminate the large particles of ink as they are too big for white blood cells to capture and carry to the lymphatic system which is how the body rids itself of debris or dead cells. PicoSure laser tattoo removal works in the following way. The incredibly fast light pulses pass through the epidermis and are absorbed by the ink particle of the dermis. The effect of absorbing the light is like hitting the ink with a hammer it breaks it into smaller pieces. The white blood cells are now able to capture the smaller pieces and carry them away. The older tattoo removal lasers in use called kill switch lasers do not have the same effect the wave length of light produced by the Q switch tattoo removal lasers is absorbed by the ink and causes a thermal reaction breaking the ink apart with heat. Think of a blow torch. The problem is that this tends to be less effective more painful more likely to cause bleeding and more likely to cause scarring. Both lasers can treat blacking while blue and green respond better with the PicoSure and red ink will fade best with a 5 32 wavelength laser. What about results of PicoSure tattoo removal. After one session because laser tattoo removal is uncomfortable topical numbing and or chilled air is used during treatment procedure time depends on the size of the tattoo. Immediately after treatment the tattoo will look white for a short time. This is called frosting and is due to small air bubbles produced as the laser hits the ink a protective ointment and bandage are applied and used for seven to 10 days. There may be blistering from the treatment and regardless of the area. Both are common during the next six weeks the body will be at work absorbing the particles. Treatment can be repeated at six week intervals. PicoSure laser tattoo results will vary based on many factors the type and color of ink used the depth and density of the ink. The location of the tattoo and the overall health of the individual. It is impossible to predict how many sessions are needed but seven to 10 is a common estimate. Light tattoos will fade faster than denser ones as do cover ups. Individuals with dark skin or darker residual tan are at risk for loss of pigment as the ink is being removed. As with any type of laser treatment we do advise of the small risk of scarring and pigment change with patients an adequate number of sessions. PicoSure tattoo removal laser results are very good

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